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Wts or Wtt for Blade + ? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wts or Wtt for Blade + ? (/showthread.php?tid=2993)

Wts or Wtt for Blade + ? - easyybot - 08-06-2016

Hi Everyone Music  SmilePm Ingame /// Invalidban 

WTS / WTT Wacko1 : Sword Egy Chn +21 Lol
                         Shield Euro +21 Lol
                         Shield Chn +19 Good
                         Blade +14 Smile
                         600Jc Good2_002
What im Looking for.
                              So im Looking To trade Those all stuffs for a  Good2_002 Blade with +23+24+25 Good2_002   if Possible !
                              Or  Bad Im Adding a CHN Shield +23 Bad  And Tradeing All for a Girl_bye Bow +26+27 Girl_bye If Possible !

Waiting for Any More Offer Just pm me Ingame /// Invalidban