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Problems with my account - Printable Version

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Problems with my account - thekill010 - 01-11-2015

Hola , informo que he vuelto a jugar a ExaySro y puedo entrar a la cuenta del foro pero no puedo entrar a mi cuenta dentro del juego , cuando quiero recuperar la cuenta lleno el formulario de recuperación y me sale esto : La información proporcionada no coincide con nuestros registros.
Verifique por favor su contraseña o dirección de correo electrónico y vuelva a intentarlo! y no se que hacer quiero volver a usar mi cuenta y no puedo


Atte: thekill010


Hi, I report that I have returned to play Exaysro and I can enter the forum account but I can not access my account within the game, when I want to recover the full account recovery form and I get this: The information provided does not match our records.
Please verify your password or email address and try again! and do not ever want to use my account and I can not
Thank You.

Atte: thekill010

RE: Problems with my account - IDontKnow - 01-12-2015

maybe u typed the wrong Email.
send Navmesh an email with ur probs.
he can give u the right email so u can change ur pw.
but be sure its ur acc/email otherwise u cant change ur pw.


RE: Problems with my account - vladdidar - 01-12-2015

If you have been inactive for more than 6 months, you may have to start over.

RE: Problems with my account - IDontKnow - 01-12-2015

so if i dont login for 6 months i lose all my items/stuff xd?

RE: Problems with my account - vladdidar - 01-12-2015

On some pservers its setup that way.

RE: Problems with my account - EvilHavyk - 01-12-2015

I was long time inactive , more than 6 month but my Acc still exist