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Add to Event shop - Printable Version

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Add to Event shop - hitman22 - 11-06-2014


Navemash i have question can u add to event shop 10k blot / arrow ?

RE: Add to Event shop - shadows - 11-06-2014

As I know bolts are in item mall and its 10 k arrow / bolts cost around 6-10 silk.
If you use the vote system, then its not a problem using 6-10 silk for bolts and arrows

RE: Add to Event shop - hitman22 - 11-06-2014

but i have alot of exay silk coins and it's better for my buy it in event shop Smile i vote for silks but i nid its for other thing Smile

RE: Add to Event shop - Navmesh - 11-06-2014

Same item can't be added with different prices, and no items from Event Shop that sell for Exay coins are not the same from other NPC Smile