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[Guide] Physical and Magical reinforce - Printable Version

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[Guide] Physical and Magical reinforce - chy666 - 03-17-2014

Physical & Magical Reinforcement:

So lets get started!
There are a few simple calculations every serious SRO player should know.

Physical Defense= Str x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.
Magical Defense= Int x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.

Physical Attack= Str x Physical reinforce + Physical damage.
Magical Attack = Int x Magical reinforce + Magical damage.

The Reinforcement on your Weapon and your Gear is actually more important than the Physical/Magical Attack/Defense. The reason is simple; their base values in the equations listed above.
Obviously you would rather have a higher multiplier than a number you add to the equation.

Here's an example;
Lets say you have a level 100 Char, with 500 Str.

A 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with a Physical Attack of 2146 ~ 2558 (80%) and a Physical reinforce of 276.8% ~ 338.3% (0%)
Physical Attack= 500 x 276.8% + 2146 = 3530 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack= 500 x 338.3% + 2558 = 4249.5 ( Maximum attack power )

Now the same +5 2-Handed Sword, but with 0% Physical Attack and 80% Physical reinforce

A 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with a Physical Attack of 2062 ~ 2454 (0%) and a Physical reinforce of 299.9% ~ 366.6% (80%)
Physical Attack=500 x 299.9% + 2062 = 3561.5 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack=500 x 366.6% + 2454 = 4287 (Maximum attack power )

I know the difference isn't big, but I'm only stressing the fact that the Physical reinforce is also a very important thing you should worry about.

Here's a 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with 80%/80%
Physical Attack=500 x 299.9% + 2146 = 3645.5 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack=500 x 366.6% + 2558 = 4391 (Maximum attack power )

I hope this will help you increase your knowledge.
If anyone has any questions please contact me in the game, on my game character or here use p.m., ty.