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Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Printable Version

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Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Panzani - 12-14-2013

So the problem is that heuksal cant stun as much as pacheon skills.

In fact i made a few pvp against bowman and i noticed that the strong bow could stun almost 1 time on 2. It's a huge difference compared at the heuksal who can stun rarely.

The thing is, heuksal stun = only 10% probability.

My wish would be to increase a bit that % because for an int spear it's very very difficult to stay alive when you cant stun.

So iof course i m not demanding a 50% prob ^^ no
but at least 20% for the 3 last soul spear skills.

Another way but but that will not please of every bowman : decrease the stun rate ^^ (i m not into this idea because i know nobody would accept)

Well that s all if you could leave your opinion cause it could give a real chance for int spear even for glavier str.

thank you

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Navmesh - 12-14-2013

Opinion and suggestions are welcome, do not flame or spam here.

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - TrixKing - 12-14-2013

I think bow stuns not often ! maybe look at 2 handers , bladers ... you can't even attack them

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - IDontKnow - 12-14-2013

he is right a bower stun me verry much and rogue almost never XD
and bladers ye i dont even fight them is not fun anymore xD

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - FearlessOne - 12-14-2013

I would Increas the Stun rate of Soul Spear to 15%.
20% is in my opinion a bit to high since a spear nuker can use the 3 last Soul Spears in a row
(im not 100% sure about that, tell me if im wrong), if you would incease it to that amount they would just stun you all over the time.

A bower got a cool down of 8 secounds on Strong Bow which got a 44% chance to Stun

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Panzani - 12-14-2013

Yeah a bower has a cool down a 8 sec but even with that he stun more that a glavier and
the stun of the strong bow is very long !
So Yeah 15% for all soul spear could be great because that s right we can use all i mean 2 for all time.
And don't forget that bowman got 2 kb and a huge crit.

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Panzani - 12-15-2013

rectification : we need 20% really ! i have just been pvp and i didnt make any stun it was unbelieveable

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Panzani - 12-15-2013

For information the blader with who i made a pvp made more stun than me -_-

Pacheon = Crit kb they crit very often and can use double kb
Blader = Kd they can use the kd as much as they want
Heuksal = Stun ?

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - FearlessOne - 12-15-2013

Pacheon=Crit + Stun + Kb
Bicheon=Kd + D-Buffs
Heuksal=lame stun + Kb + huge dmg (if you use combos like Nuke and Ghost Spear)

I would still say 15% is enought.

RE: Heuksal / Pacheon stun balance! - Panzani - 12-15-2013

lol seriously is unplayable with 10% and with 15% it will the same i m becoming tired of pvp-_-
bladers make only kd kd kd and kb
bowman stun everytime really and trust me i never stun with my heuksal skills

please do something