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What are the blues that a weapon can have? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: What are the blues that a weapon can have? (/showthread.php?tid=1062)

What are the blues that a weapon can have? - DaveTheMinion - 07-11-2013

Hey guys, can someone tell me what the max blues that a 13dg or 14dg weapon can have?

I saw a bow having a 200% durability increase and another 10% durability increase.


RE: What are the blues that a weapon can have? - Asther - 07-11-2013

Magic Stone of Strike : increases the Attack Rate (60%)
Magic Stone of Str : Increases the Str Biggrin (8)
Magic Stone of Int : Increases the int Max (8)
Magic Stone of Discipline : Increases Blocking rate (100%)
Magic Stone of Master : increases Durability (200%)

The max Blues in Weapon

RE: What are the blues that a weapon can have? - DaveTheMinion - 07-11-2013

Anyone can explain why there are two durability blues?

RE: What are the blues that a weapon can have? - BogenDeppĀ² - 07-11-2013

Thats my old bow , it's buggex ^^ yey 10% extra durability xD

RE: What are the blues that a weapon can have? - DaveTheMinion - 07-11-2013

does the 10% really apply to the durability or is it just for show? xD

RE: What are the blues that a weapon can have? - Bynia - 07-12-2013

Lol! nice durability Biggrin