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Full Version: Alchemy update, new set/acc scrolls and +11 D14 at NPC
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Hello ExaySRO,
Maintenance done and server is online, start Silkroad.exe to get last patch and avoid problems with crash or missing content.

Some info about update, most important is Alchemy that many was asking for last years Wink

* Alchemy has increased by 23%, this is acquired by using Premium + Lucky Buff + Powder (and mainly for D13/D14)

* All Weapons D14/D13 in game that was lower +26(+22 no AdvD) was upgraded to +26(+22 no AdvD)
* All D13 Set parts/Accessories that was lower +20(+16 no AdvD) was upgraded to +20(+16 no AdvD)
* All D14 Set parts/Accessories that was lower +16(+12 no AdvD) was upgraded to +16(+12 no AdvD)
* All D14 Set parts and Accessories from NPC are +11 when you buy them, so you can get easy +15 now

* NPC "Silk Item Scrolls" have now new scrolls in tab "Set/Acc", you can change your Set parts or Accessories from Chinese to Euro, change set part to any other type (ex: Protector hands to EU Ligh Hands). For Accessories you can also change Ring to Necklace (or earrings) with both Chinese or Euro

* Glows for +41-45 was updated, let us know if you have any suggestion

This all was in today update.
Here is a information about next one that will be next week.

* Some glows may be revised
* All letters will be deleted on 3 March, before next event start for ExaySRO 5 years birthday
* All unused +20 scrolls will be converted in Immortals D14
* Max Reborn count will be increased
This is what I remember now, there could be more.

Also, Exp/Drop/Gold is back to default values until Exay BD.
+20 weapon scrolls not drop from letter anymore, use the one you have until 3 March or they will be converted in immortals D14 and letters deleted.
* All Weapons D14/D13 in game that was lower +26(+22 no AdvD) was upgraded to +26(+22 no AdvD)
* All D13 Set parts/Accessories that was lower +20(+16 no AdvD) was upgraded to +20(+16 no AdvD)
* All D14 Set parts/Accessories that was lower +16(+12 no AdvD) was upgraded to +16(+12 no AdvD)

Im not ingame and i can almost smell the rage of some players already